
31/01/2023: The Persona 5 and Saint Seiya artwork/fanarts sections have been updated! My art is uploaded on Twitter first but now all my work is here for easy access. The Persona 5 fanfiction link goes straight to my ao3 account too, so all new fanfics are up and there is plenty to look at! I currently have 35 fics for Persona 5 posted so enjoy!


21/10/2020: I got 3 new fanfics in the Bungou Stray Dogs category as well as a new fanart under Persona 5. Enjoy!


07/06/2020: A new video is up under Bungou Stray Dogs.


08/04/2020: A new Wallpaper section has been added for Persona 5 wallpapers. 4 P5 wallpapers have been added. Enjoy!


31/03/2020: A new video and 2 new wallpapers have been added under Bungou Stray Dogs.


31/05/2017: A new fanfiction has been uploaded in the Batman section.


03/04/2017: My fanfictions are now being uploaded on ArchiveofourOwn in priority. So check my account there to know when I post something new!


23/02/2017: After a long hiatus I have decided to redo everything and upload my work on a new website that will be easier to handle and update. So this is the new Scar Tissue. Everything is still up on the old website but only this version will be updated regularly.